The VHS Athletic Booster Club relies on funds that are raised from generous individuals,
business sponsors, and community members.
This is done using a variety of methods, including:
• General donations – cash, online giving, or pledged donations
• Memberships
• Banners Sponsors
• Tanager card sales
• Naming Rights
• Fundraisers
• Concession stand sales
There are many opportunities to make a lasting impact in the lives of our VHS student athletes. Either contact us or fill out one of the membership forms.
up to $25
Thank you!
Jon Manning
Paul & Jessica Preister
Dr. Jacob & Shelby Quail
Jay & Jamma Christopherson
Tom & Jenny French
Mike Flaherty & Katy Beem
Kyle & Michelle Hinseth
Nick & Jamie Hovden
Dr. Matt & Sharla Krell
Andy & Trina Meredith
Janice McGuire
Tyler & Jessica Messersmith
Ryan & Molly Mollencamp
Todd & Cathy Nelson
Chris & Ranelle Nissen
Nick & Rachel Olson
Taylor Peters
Brandon & Ericka Schapekahm
Matt & Kasey Sorensen
Gerry & Lexi Tracy
Joe & Dawn Manning
Angela Anderson
Bill Anderson
Matt & Callie Beach
Dennis & Angie Bickett
Joe & Kaye Bjorkman
Andrew & Nicole Carr
Mike & Kathy Carlson
Dale & Teresa Chasing Hawk
Wes & Jess Christensen
Wade & Steph Christopherson
Ryan & Emily Church
Jeff & Veda Church
Joe & Tracy Cleveland
Steve & Michelle Cogley
Gary & Kim Culver
Lisha Edelen
Danielle Flemming
Neil & Molly Fulton
Ken & Michelle Green
Kyle & Debbie Gruhn
Doug & Jessica Hammer
Dale & Janet Hill
Darin Jerke
Darren Johnson
Chris & Kris Larson
Travis Lee
Rian & Emily Merrigan
Mike & Jenny Moran
Marty & Tressa Nygren
Rob & Kim Olson
Melissa Orr
Chad & Kirney Passick
Chad & Denise Peterson
Jim & Bergen Peterson
Rick & Debbie Proefrock
Curt & Nancy Robinson
Tony & Carrie Roerig
Christen Smith
Johnathan Sopoci
Doug & Jessica Standley
Layne Stewart
Dean Tomkins-Searcy & Dr.
Anastacia Searcy
Luke & Maria Trowbridge
John & Angie Uhl
Carol Voss-Ward
Isaac & Nicole Voss
Bill & Alison Wilroth
Allan & Sarah Wittmuss
Katharina Wymar
Jong Sung Yoon & Heeyoung
Damon Alvey
Linda Alvey
Jill Amundson
Jeff & Amber Anders
Jennifer Ashley
Amy Askew
Jennifer Baedke
Jerry Bartels
Lenni Billberg
Deana Bingen
Erica Bottolfson
Jon & Amber Brooks
Louis Budmayr
Laura Chandler
Stephanie Dominguez
Jay Drake
Katie Eidem
Sara Erickson
Bruce & Kelly Fischback
Josh & Katie Fisher
Trisha Fisher
Natalie Frickel
Tracy Gilkyson
Sara Hage
Adam & Angie Haas
Hansen Funeral Home
Luke Hayes
Jasmine Heisinger
Amelia Howard
Jason Huska
Sue Huska
Ashlie Jacobs
Sam Jacobs
Rich & Andrea Jahn
Nate Jarchow
Lori Jerred
Trevor & Audrey Job
Kim Johnson
Suzanne Johnson
Kevin Kocer
Michele Larson
Cindy Lias
David Lind
Meganne Loneman
Melanie Mahowald
Robin Mandernach
Kadal Mariappan
Carrie Mart
Dan Mart
Maria May
Royce Miller
Jamie Moser
Mark Neitzke
Amanda Nyhaug
Megan O'Connor
Roxanne Olson
Jon Reuvers
Darcy Sammelson
John Schloss
Cody & Brittany Schultz
Tim & Patty Schwasinger
Marina Sereda
Amy & Tim Sorensen
Ashley Steeneck
Gabi Taggart
Alyssa Vitzthum
Misty Wells
Brian & Sarah Wood
Jeff & Jodi Zeller